The EVE Community
Real experiences with real people are at the heart of EVE Online. With some of the most passionate and creative players in the world of MMOs, the EVE game universe can call on a deep and strong community foundation.
EVE's corporations, alliances and individual players are famously active and central to communicating and sharing the EVE experience, both in and out of the game. The bedrock of EVE is the social experience and all facets of the community play an important role.
Getting Involved

There are many ways of getting involved in the EVE community. Players who want to contribute to the community can run for office in the CSM or join up in the EVE Volunteer Program. Players also contribute through blogs, wikis, fansites and even new-player training corporations in-game.
Events & Gatherings

Together with the official Fanfest in Iceland, a special aspect of the community is the many player-run meets held all over the world, where EVE devs can often be seen. Additionally, the regular Alliance Tournaments are special in-game events that involve many players around the world taking part in PvP competition.