World News


Viewing archived items for February 2018

Outer Ring Excavations to Issue First Quarter Profits Update

By Lina Ambre

4C-B7X, Outer Ring – Outer Ring Excavations (ORE) has issued a profits update to its investors, expecting unprecedented profits before the end of the first quarter of YC120. After having already gone through a long streak of rising profits for the corporation since joining the Upwell Consortium, ORE officials have stated that this first quarter's profits will exceed even their own optimistic models, and will likely follow through to the second quarter. When questioned, ORE representatives indic...

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Thukker Mix Transfers Key Assets to Core Complexion

By Lina Ambre

M-MD3B, Great Wildlands – In a joint press release, Thukker Mix and Core Complexion Inc. have announced that both corporations have finalized the transfer of ownership of several key assets from the Thukker research and development company to the Sebiestor industrial powerhouse. Despite numerous enquiries from the business press at the release conference, corporate representatives refused to elaborate on the assets that were being transferred.

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